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Gyereknek bátor: Beck Zoli’s Author Night & #itthonotthon in Vienna

May 2024 – Gyereknek bátor: Beck Zoli’s Author Night & #itthonotthon in Vienna

In May 2024, Beck Zoli presented his Gyereknek bátor author event at Loffice Wien. Organized by KultPult and supported by Femspace and Budapest Bistro, the evening featured an intimate, philosophical session evocative of his band 30Y’s style.

Beck Zoli, alongside Mariann Bencze, offered a unique and captivating #itthonotthon experience.

Photos of the event were taken by Nóra Simándi.


Pátkai Rozina Trio: Taladim (Latin night)

The Pátkai Rozina Trio, featuring members of the Pátkai Rozina Quartet, will perform at varroda.színház in Mindszentkálla this summer.

The trio, including Pátkai Rozina, Szabó Dániel Ferenc, and Tóth István, blends pop and jazz influences to bring Rozina’s multilingual songs to life during the Taladim Latin-themed evening.

Known for her bossa nova style, Rozina is a Fonogram-nominated Hungarian singer and songwriter who also launched the “Minka” project, fusing electronic music with Hungarian poetry.

The performance promises to enchant with its vibrant Latin atmosphere.

Tickets are available in advance here and on-site in Mindszentkalla.

András Dés-Annamária Láng: Földi kaland @Mindszentkalla

On July 13, jazz musician András Dés and actress Annamária Láng will present their evening program Földi kaland at varroda.színház, organized by KultPult.

Dés, a percussionist known for his versatility and recent album, and Láng, a member of Vienna’s Burgtheater, will blend readings, music, and performances reflecting their experiences of working in Vienna and Annamária’s commuting to Budapest.

The program, inspired by themes of departure and arrival, will feature improvisations by Dés alongside texts from Oravecz Imre, Forgách András, and Bodor Ádám by Láng.

This performance marks Földi kaland’s Hungarian premiere after its debut in Vienna.

Tickets are available in advance here and on-site at the venue in Mindszentkálla.

Róbert Alföldi & Judit Csáki – book presentation in Vienna

Alföldi Róbert and Csáki Judit will visit Vienna as part of the #itthonotthon series to discuss their book Rajtunk nem múlt.

The event will cover Alföldi’s career, personal experiences, Csáki’s contribution and the book’s creation and impact.
Rainer-Micsinyei Nóra and Papp Endre will perform scenes related to the book.

The evening will include a discussion moderated by Mariann Bencze and a book signing session by the authors.

The event is sponsored by Oppenheim Law Firm and FAS Network.

Márfi Márk: Telik – Mindszentkállán

Márfi Márk, a freelance actor, performs in various theaters like Radnóti, Átrium, 6szín, Szkéné, and the RTL series Gólkirályság.

His monodrama Telik – egy óra az életedből captivates audiences with its blend of joy and sorrow, based on his thesis.

Poet Tóth Krisztina praises Márk’s writing as “stunningly authentic, with precise sentences and gestures, creating an intensely moving performance.”

Critic Gabnai Katalin likens his work to that of Háy János and Grecsó Krisztián.

The play is staged at varroda.színház, a unique venue in Mindszentkálla, organized by KultPult, with tickets available for advance purchase and later on-site.

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